Explore home as if you are travelling.
Whatever is happening right now in the world and wherever you are, let’s make the best out of it. It’s a challenging time and it seems to last longer than probably anyone of us expected. Probably every one of you had planned a vacation that is now not going to be happening. Instead, everyone has to stay at home or at least in the surrounding. Hotels are closed in Germany and many other places in the world, so there is no chance to go away. Even now it is important that you don’t get too frustrated about that. You can still have an amazing holiday – just not far away but rather in your home area.

Look at it with a fresh mindset. The destination you wanted to explore will still be there next year and the year after. You have still the rest of your life to explore that specific destination. But now, the universe is telling us obviously to slow down and focus on our home area.
Slow down and focus on your home area
Complaining is no solution
I planned three big trips this year who will all not be happening most probably. So I started by thinking about what to do. After a while trying to figure out how to go away somewhere anyways, I just couldn’t come up with a trip that is possible at this time.So I started with a fresh mindset. I tried thinking positively and started to look for places in my surrounding I have not yet seen. Even though after 28 years living in the area seemed to be impossible at first. Nevertheless, I started exploring. During my walks, I looked for roads I have never taken before. I walked on paths in the forest I have never walked on before. And I took a break where I have never taken a break before.
Take a step back
I went for a walk yesterday in the forest and when falling back to my old routine of walking fast with headphones plugged in my ear, I suddenly noticed the beauty of the forest path and trees in light green color. I stopped and took my earphones out. I just listened to the birds and the sound of nature. It was the perfect nature atmosphere. I looked around …
When was the last time you just stopped wherever you walked and looked around you – where you turned around 360° and just felt the power of nature? This we don’t do much in our usual hectic world. We don’t get to slow down and just hold on for a second. At least we don’t give us the time to do so. That’s why now it is the time!
Then, I continued walking, but way slower than before. I walked and decided to look deeper into the forest. I found a hunter’s booth. I quickly climbed up and enjoyed the view (please note this might not be allowed in your area if it is a private booth). It was beautiful. I sat there for a while. Although I didn’t see any animals, it was super calming. That was a place I have actually never seen and a hunter’s booth I haven’t sat on before.

I know this is not the same as actually going on holidays, but exploring something new in your surrounding and looking at things differently can make a change. It can give you a taste of travel-atmosphere and -feeling.
So get out of your house, and start exploring. There is always something waiting around the corner to surprise you!
If you are in Stuttgart area, you might want to check out the fortress Hohenneuffen or Europa-Park for some Rollercoaster fun.