From when I decided to start bodybuilding and go on stage, to the Prep and stage itself.

For quite a long time, I have had in my mind the goal to participate in a bodybuilding competition in the bikini division. For years it was in the back of my head and a secret dream of mine. But because I was too afraid, I had never concretized it by setting dates or making a plan.
I missed being in a competitive sport since I stopped with sports acrobatics. Meanwhile, I ran a marathon, participated in a triathlon, and constantly looked for new challenges…
Nevertheless, the thought of going on stage in the bodybuilding bikini division and wish grew over the years. Finally, at the end of 2019, I was annoyed by not precisely going after it and setting a date, creating a plan, and going all for it. I wanted the wishy-washy goal setting to stop.
The Start
So I planned out my road to the stage, hired a coach, and spent the year 2020 in a calorie surplus with a lot of food and good workouts. In the beginning, I was still doing home workouts as the gyms were closed because of the pandemic. Still, it was not an excellent way to start, but the muscles definitely grew. They grew in baby steps, but they grew.
The Progress
After some months, the gyms opened again in April in Germany. This helped the progress there for the rest of the year. We bumped my calories up to 2500 a day, which felt like I had to eat a ton of food for me in the end. I felt stuffed and didn’t want to eat anymore, which gave me an excellent base for my first Prep.
Prep Start
Finally, on January 1st, my Prep started. It was a bit bumpy at the end of the off-season, but I am confident that 2022 will be a great year. I am so excited!
In the next weeks I commit myself to posting one update a week and do a kind of “Prep diary”. Let’s see how I progress and feel on my road to stage.
Feel free to follow me along and find all articles in the post library 🙂
The division I chose
I chose the bikini division, because I believe it fits my body best. I have a hard time growing a decent amount of muscle. Also, my muscles have long muscle bellies which don’t make them show too much. The posing I liked most in the IFBB NPC federation, which is why I chose them to start.
- My Road to the Bikini competition in 2022 – Prep diary – week #1
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