A smooth week comes to an end… This week I feel came easy to me. There were no hick-ups, no drop in energy, continuously improving sleep and an overall good mood.
My macro targets haven’t changed. I am still at about 2,200 kcal. My detailed macro targets I already showed in my previous post. Food feels and tastes good. I mostly cook very similar foods every day. Neverthelss, I keep some flexibility in case I want to change the one ingredient or the other.
In the mornings, oats give me the fuel I need to crush my workouts and have a strong start in the day. I add one of my favorite protein powders, which is the optimum nutrition double rich chocolate (affiliate link) to get a good amount of protein in early in the morning. Rice or potato with some veggies and some sort of meat fill up my other macros.
Not gonna lie, a piece of chocolate I am still eating every now and then. All planned out though and calculated in. Chocolate is nothing bad. It is energy, just as any other food we eat. And I keep it to 10g per day so it I feel blessed to be so flexible and have this in my Prep, too. It is all about balance!
Workouts have been great this week. I had a lot of energy and I was also able to hit new personal records on many lifts.
My bodyform keeps improving. Altough my weight has only dropped by 100g, we can still see changes. It is not about the number on the scale, it is much more important the appearance changes and improves.
All in all, the week was great. I had a lot of good food, workouts were killer and my body keeps improving. Also, I found a good bedtime routine which helped me to get high quality sleep. I feel like the week was filled with so much love and power, I can’t wait for tomorrow to start the next week. 🙂
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